Making horses healthy.

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Digestive Issues in Dogs

In this short post, we identify some of the symptoms and risks of canine digestive issues and explain the connection between these issues and a lack of vitamins and minerals in canine diets.

Some very simple signs that your dog has digestive issues are vomiting, diarrhea or avoiding play. Both infectious and noninfectious digestive diseases can be a sign your dog is not receiving the proper nutrition, and it may be time to discuss supplementation with your veterinarian to ensure they are receiving enough vitamins and minerals for optimal health.

Two very common reasons to use a dietary supplement for your dog are,

1. The dog’s digestive tract is not absorbing enough nutrients and requires a supplement to provide vitamins and minerals, or 

2. The dog’s diet is not providing the proper nutrients in the first place. 

Both reasons require you to speak with your veterinarian to identify and select the proper treatment and path forward.

Canine Omega Complete®

Canine Omega Complete® is a nutritious formula designed to help your dog attain the utmost health and maximum capabilities. It is made from non-GMO and organic oils that provide healthy support for any canine.


If your dog is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, likely, they are not absorbing valuable nutrients from its food before throwing them up, and it is essential to identify the issue.

Some key signs and symptoms that indicate your dog is not receiving the proper nutrients include a change in stools, depression, skin and coat issues and fatigue.

Change in Stools: when evaluating healthy stool, you should look at colour, consistency, content and coating. If you experience anything that is discoloured, mucus-covered, a liquid or runny consistency or contains foreign objects, your dog may have nutritional deficiencies.

Depression: just like humans, a dog’s biome signals the type of bowel movement and the mood they will be in. An unhealthy gut biome can trigger mood and behaviour issues resulting in malnutrition.

Skin or coat issues: to maintain a healthy coat, dogs require a variety of vitamins and minerals. Many dogs with inadequate amounts of these essential vitamins and minerals will suffer from dry, itchy skin and are vulnerable to hair loss, skin disease, and infections.

Fatigue: a lack of energy is a telltale sign of malnutrition. Dogs require carbohydrates to fuel energy and have the stamina to play and participate in the exercise.

Once you determine if your dog is experiencing dietary issues and requires additional supplementation, look at supplements that will provide optimal health.

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